Architect: Peter Märkli
Peter Märkli: Thinking Drawings
15 November 2015
Peter Märkli: Thinking Drawings15 November 2015
– Florian Beigel and Philip Christou
These are an intriguing set of drawings … they are very memorable and have a charm and magic about them. They have a directness, a sense of humour and ease, they make you smile. At first glance they look as if they were done by someone who is untrained, they… Read More
Conjunction and Incongruity
1 September 2018
Conjunction and Incongruity1 September 2018
– Polly Gould
The word archive, meaning both the collection of documents and the building that houses them, is doubled in its meaning and it is not necessarily clear which one precedes the other. Drawing Matter Open Day highlighted in interesting ways the relation of causality between building and drawing as document or… Read More
shatwell farm (project)