Category: on their own work

Sin Centre

Sin Centre

Michael Webb

All this can, and is meant to happen on the parking ramps of the Sin Centre: couples bring along their own mobile living room and view the action, neck or talk.

A Lung for the City

A Lung for the City

Cedric Price

A lung for the city. A 24-hour workshop where all can extend their knowledge and delight in learning. From its start and throughout its construction and development, all must be welcomed to observe its continuous growth and change. No area should be hidden and no hour inappropriate. The opportunity to… Read More

Ville Spatiale

Ville Spatiale

Yona Friedman

The ‘spatial city’, or rather its infrastructure, is the support for a great number of heterogeneous messages. The spatial city, in a way, is the ‘blank sheet of paper’ on which a work is drawn. And it is precisely this nature of the blank sheet of paper that allows nearly… Read More

John Hejduk

John Hejduk

John Hejduk

I believe in books and the written word, therefore I fabricate works with the hope that they will be recorded in books. I am pragmatic and believe in keeping records. I believe to record is to bear witness. Quoted from Such Places as Memory, 1998

Three Projects

Three Projects

John Hejduk

I believe in the density of the sparse. The Diamond Thesis is both creative and analytical. It implies new points of view in architectural space. It delineates with clarity the frontal facet of isometric projection in the two-dimensional space of the picture plane of the drawings. The realisation that works… Read More

Archizoom, Andrea Branzi and the No-Stop City

Archizoom, Andrea Branzi and the No-Stop City

Andrea Branzi

Archizoom describe this ‘hypothetical theatre’ as part of a fluid and unstoppable culture, a non-stop metropolis re-imagined to fit the times, characterised by mobile theatres, unbound books, rooms without plan, unwritten music, … and cities made of voids. For the first time the presentation technique has … become a specific… Read More

The Lost Art of Drawing

The Lost Art of Drawing

Michael Graves

I personally like to draw on translucent … tracing paper, which allows me to layer one drawing on top of another, building on what I’ve drawn before, and again, creating a personal, emotional connection with the work. With both of these types of drawings [the referential sketch and the preparatory… Read More



James Gowan

To some extent this is the battleground of the British architectural avant-garde; the incompatibilities of graphics and architecture, the freedom that the former allows and the restrictions that the latter asserts. In recent years, the graphics have got smoother whilst the dialectic has remained largely unresolved. A conclusive project is… Read More

The Open Hand

The Open Hand

Le Corbusier

The Open Hand will affirm that the second era of the machine-civilisation, the era of harmony, has started.

Walter Pichler

Walter Pichler

Walter Pichler

Architecture … is a brutal matter … it crushes those who cannot stand it. Quoted from a manuscript statement, c. 1962

Pier Vittorio Aureli

Pier Vittorio Aureli

Pier Vittorio Aureli

The Marriage of Reason and Squalor is a set of drawings I’ve produced since 2001. They are an investigation into what, in the absence of a better definition, I’ve called ‘non-compositional architecture’. Since the very beginning, I’ve conceived of these drawings as something to be executed by the simplest of means,… Read More

Walter Pichler: 20 Sketches from the Archives 1961–63

Walter Pichler: 20 Sketches from the Archives 1961–63

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Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller

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Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller

Richard Buckminster Fuller

Slenderness, Lightness, and Strength.

Ugo la Pietra

Ugo la Pietra

Ugo La Pietra

Isolation or participation? The immersions were allusions to two contrary attitudes ever present in the deportment of so many in this era: a readiness to join the currents of social change or a determination to isolate oneself, waiting for what might be next. 

Preamble to a New World

Preamble to a New World


Stones speak. Towns speak. Ruins and skylines: the story of the people. From ‘Preamble to a New World,’ New Babylon, 1963.

Paul Rudolph

Paul Rudolph

Paul Rudolph

I try to find a graphic means of indicating what’s happening to the space. Space can move quickly or slowly. It can twist and turn. Space extends the dynamics of any building, because if the thrusting and counter-thrusting of the spaces aren’t balanced, then people feel unstable, the building doesn’t… Read More

History & Origins

History & Origins

Aldo Rossi

And these old drawings […] now have their own history, an almost enforced form of composition. And yet I wonder at the fact that they are the origin or germ of these new architectural works, which others could regard as more professional. In actual fact, invention and imagination have deeper… Read More

Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier

I should like to give you the hatred of rendering … Architecture is in space, in extent, in depth, in height: it is volumes and circulation. Architecture is made inside one’s head. The sheet of paper is useful only to fix the design, to transmit to one’s client and one’s… Read More



Eugène Viollet-le-Duc

From a letter to Mérimée written in 1843 from Vézelay: You, Sir, who have ceaselessly lived the life of the past, you understand the joy, the secret happiness felt when we can record in our sketchbook some of these forgotten [historical] treasures … but how much more interesting when these… Read More

Five Boxes

Five Boxes

Michael Craig-Martin

Line drawing — drawing without shading, cross-hatching or chiaroscuro — permits and conveys the most precise sense of accuracy of any kind of drawing. The facts are laid bare, nothing can be fudged or obscured. Leonardo used line drawing for his studies of everything from flying machines to the human… Read More

Jacques Couëlle

Jacques Couëlle

Jacques Couëlle

Call it ‘Potomania’ — plants and flowers above all … a column of water cascading freely on to a little pond … the column a staff both shining and singing. — Jacques Couëlle